Biblioteka Pedagogiczna im. gen. bryg. prof. Elżbiety Zawackiej w Toruniu
Deklaracja dostępności

About the Library


There are three sections in the Library: Section of Acquisition and Cataloguing, Information and Bibliography Section and Lending Section, which includes library proper, reading room, storeroom and Administrative Section. There are 24 teachers-librarians and 4 storekeepers working in the three sections.


The Library collects books, periodicals and audiovisual materials for teachers and students of pedagogy. We have publications in the field of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, methodology handbooks, syllabuses and other materials used in education. The Library collection encompasses many items for teachers, head-masters and other people involved in education management, who want to improve their qualifications. Since the collection is humanistic in its character, it does not include any items from the field of technical science, which may be needed in vocational training. New purchases have been carefully planned for the last couple of years, to ensure that readers interested in the field of pedagogy will find here a vast majority of new publications.
At the present moment, our collection amounts to about 82 thousand volumes. The amount of purchases depends on our financial means. Between 1999 and 2003, we bought on average about 1200 items. The acquisition was also facilitated by gifts from publishing houses.

Periodicals constitute a substantial part of the collection. The Library collects the majority of pedagogical, psychological, and sociological periodicals available on the publishing market - they amount to 60% of the collection. The Library also offers science and cultural periodicals, as well as science periodicals for general public. The Library offers over 500 titles of periodicals, including almost 200 current ones.

Our special collection includes cassette tapes, CD’s, diskettes, videocassettes, norms, musical notation and maps. It includes nearly 1100 items.

The Library has gathered a significant collection of syllabuses - about 700 titles, among which 350 titles are syllabuses designed for teaching in the reformed school.

The readers

The Pedagogical Library directs its offer at teachers and students preparing for teaching profession. We have registered about 5 thousand regular readers, among which the largest group (almost 2/3) are students. We also provide services for graduates of secondary schools, pupils taking part in competitions and contests, pupils preparing for secondary education examinations and workers of cultural and social institutions. The Pedagogical Library is also open for students from other towns.

Katalog integro
Dostęp do nowości
Czytelnia online IBUK libra
Kalendarz wydarzeń
<luty 2025>
Kary i kaucja
Platforma edupolis
Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej
Solidarni z Ukrainą


The Pedagogical Library in Toruń
Dąbrowskiego 4 Street
87-100 Toruń
Phone: 56 653-97-56

Opening hours:

From Monday to Friday:
Section of Acquisition and Cataloguing
Information and Bibliography Section
Internet Multimedia Information Centre
Lending Section


Section of Acquisition and Cataloguing
Information and Bibliography Section
Internet Multimedia Information Centre
Lending Section

Sunday: closed

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