Biblioteka Pedagogiczna im. gen. bryg. prof. Elżbiety Zawackiej w Toruniu
Deklaracja dostępności


We are a pedagogical institution of a peculiar character. On the one hand, we fulfil a function of a library, on the other, we were entrusted with educational tasks. Our mission is to meet the library and information needs, especially those of teachers (still studying and further developing their skills) and students preparing to become teachers. It is our aim to help them in extensive development of their professional and personal skills by open access to traditional and electronic sources of knowledge and information, so that they are able to satisfy the educational needs of modern society. Nowadays, acquiring knowledge and skills is a life-long process, which is why we wish to support those who come to us in the difficult process of continuous learning.

The library conducts its mission through:

  • flexible acquisition policy, quickly responding to needs of the users,
  • understandable information system about the collection,
  • electronic access to information about the collections of other libraries,
  • services of pedagogical information experts,
  • educational activities corresponding to the character of our institution,
  • efficient and competent readers’ service,
  • promotion and popularization of library activity.

We try to meet the requirements we are facing, which is why we constantly invest in our own development – we broaden our knowledge, gain new skills and apply new technologies. We let ourselves be guided by the principle: need – professional development – offer. We are trying to satisfy the needs arising from the necessity to change the qualifications, therefore, we are carefully modyfying our purchasing priorities to meet the demands of different environments. We cooperate with other libraries, especially those based in schools, as we try to provide them with content knowledge and practical training, especially in the field of information tools as well as readers’ and media education.

Katalog integro
Dostęp do nowości
Czytelnia online IBUK libra
Kalendarz wydarzeń
<luty 2025>
Kary i kaucja
Platforma edupolis
Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej
Solidarni z Ukrainą


The Pedagogical Library in Toruń
Dąbrowskiego 4 Street
87-100 Toruń
Phone: 56 653-97-56

Opening hours:

From Monday to Friday:
Section of Acquisition and Cataloguing
Information and Bibliography Section
Internet Multimedia Information Centre
Lending Section


Section of Acquisition and Cataloguing
Information and Bibliography Section
Internet Multimedia Information Centre
Lending Section

Sunday: closed

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